Two Vegan Boys Weblog

A journey of cooking vegan food for my family.

Archive for the day “January 11, 2012”


Tonite for dinner I made chili and homemade bread.  It was delicious.  I made a white bean chili with homemade seitan, corn, barley, swiss chard and broccoli greens from the garden, garlic, and onion.  I topped it with fresh cilantro.  It was delicious and made a ton. 

The bread was perfect.  We have gotten a wee bit spoiled with homemade bread.  A while ago, Josh bought some bread from the store and informed me he prefers homemade bread over the junk in the store.  Hee hee.

Tomorrow the weather is supposed to beautiful tomorrow.  It will be 75F, but in the weird weather tradition we have here, it will drop down to the 40s for Thursday.  Today was nice except the wind was brutal.  It was awful on the bike.  I swear me and boys were going to be blown off the road.  I love cycling, but geez.

Well, I am off to relax with the little guys.  Hope you have a lovely evening.

peas and love….
Krys and the boys

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