Two Vegan Boys Weblog

A journey of cooking vegan food for my family.

Archive for the day “October 25, 2009”

I’m back!!!!!

Hello there.  We are back from holiday in New Mexico.  And while I would love to post pictures.  I have some even more exciting news to share.  We adopted a dog.  Meet the newest member of our family.  We have been wanting a male dog for a long time now.  I miss my beloved Dexter who passed away almost 3 years ago.  H e was my boy.  Our rescued Pitbull Maggie needed a companion as well.  She is a total pack dog and needed a friend.

We were running errands yesterday and saw that the local rescue group was having an adoption day.  This rescue group is awesome.  They get dogs from the local kill shelter, foster them, get the dog or cat sterilized, as well as offer training to the animal and help with any issues the dog or cat might have and save them from being euthanized.  As we were admiring all the wonderful dogs that needed home.  There in a gate was a chocolate lab/Pitbull mix.  The sign said he was the best dog ever.  We took him for a brief walk.  He was awesome. I had several questions for the rescue group and the guy there said he could call. I told him that I would email them and come back later.  I told Josh that if the beautiful chocolate dog was still there then it was meant to be.  I emailed and the director emailed me back in a flash.  I needed to know, was the dog good with kids, did he have food aggression issues, was he good with other dogs.  Things like that.  She told me that the only problem he had was a little seperation anxiety, most likely due to being abandoned by his family as a pup.  WTF!  She said he was taken to the kill shelter as a pup by his family because he tore up things.  Hello!  That is what puppies do, especially Pitbull puppies.  Very irresponsible of his owners.  Ugh.  They got him from the kill shelter the day he was supposed to be euthanized.  I asked her where he was at the time of the email and she said he was at a “Love a Bull” parade.  Yesterday was National Pitbull Awareness Day.  We went.  The counselor said “are you the stay at home mom interested in the dog?”  I said “yes”.  We filled out the paperwork and played with him. Payed our adoption fee.  The counselor looked at our paperwork and said it looks terrific and he was ours.  What!?!?  Yippee!  I have a male 1 year old Pitbull mix. Something that I have wanted for a while.  Now, I  will tell you his name.  This is Zeke!  And as the sign said, he is the best dog ever.  He is a couch potato, but loves to go for walks.  He gives kisses, loves Maggie, wants bellyrubs. I must say I was always jealous when I would read Lazysmurf’s blog and she was having a weekend of dog cuddles.  Now I get to have Saturday morning dog cuddles too.  He sits next to the boys and lets them play on him.  He layed down on the bed next to Arthur today and was going to take a nap with him until I made him move so I could lay down.  He is a happy, playful, yet mellow dog.  We took him for a walk this morning and he did great.  He doesn’t mind the double jogger next to him while we walk.  Some dogs are fearful of them.  Zeke is awesome!



















Yesterday while we were running errands we got hungry for lunch.  Realizing that we had no food in our fridge because we just returned from a week long holiday, we decided to go out to eat. We were driving in our neighborhood stripmall and saw a new Indian restaurant.  This was a shock because we have been wanting an Indian restaurant in our neighborhood for a longtime.  Josh went in and grabbed a to go menu.  We looked at it.  They had vegan and vegetarian options as well.  They even marked which options were vegan.  Awesome!  We also saw the restaurant was created by a local downtown Indian restaurant which is delicious yet a bit to fancy to bring your kids too.  This place, perfect.  The name of it is Tarka Indian Kitchen for those of you in my neck of the woods.  Now onto the food we ordered. 















We started out with appetizers.  We ordered samosas and pakoras.  They were delicious.  The vegetables were crispy in the pakoras.  Not at all soggy or greasy.  The boys really enjoyed them.  The samosas were packed full of potatoes, peas and spices.  Every bite was full of flavor.  The kind of appetizer that makes you sad it was eaten.  Or in our case devoured.















Next up was the entree.  We ordered a side of Roti, not pictured.  Josh ordered the Coconut Curry and I ordered Tarka Aloo.  You have an option of mild, medium, hot or super hot. We ordered ours hot.  The Coconut Curry was tasty.  The vegetables were crisp.  Which is a plus.  The curries I have had in the past have had soggy veggies.  Not good, not good at all.  The sauce was very thick and creamy.  Great with the Indian rice that accompanies the dish.  The Tarka Aloo was a favorite for both of us.  We liked it alot. I had never eaten Tarka Aloo and was very happy that I ordered it.  The potatoes were tender yet crispy.  The spices popped in your  mouth with each bite.  The heat in the dish was perfect.  This is one of those dishes you wish you could make at home so you could eat it everyday.  All in all, we are very pleased with the new Indian restaurant in our little ‘hood.  We will definitely be going back.

Hope you have a lovely Sunday.








Me and the boys at White Sands National Park. I will post trip pictures in my  next blog entry.

peas and love….
Krys and the boys

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