Two Vegan Boys Weblog

A journey of cooking vegan food for my family.

Time for Mofo, thyme for seitan..



Hello.  It is Mofo time. I love throwing that word around. Normally it means something negative.  Not in October.  It means a “month of food”.  Vegan food that is.  Are you participating?  I am.  It is my first participation.  I am excited.  And I have a theme.  Woo hoo!  My theme is “Creativity and Adaptation”.  I will be creating my own recipes and adapting vegetarian and meat recipes into vegan ones.  That means that I will use no vegan cookbooks or vegan recipes from others for our dinners.  I will have to create my own.  I look forward to the challenge and see what makes it or breaks it when it comes to adapting meat recipes. 

My friend Smurfette is participating in Vegan Mofo as well.  Her blog inspires me so much.  I have created several tasty recipes thanks to her.  She is also hosting a giveaway.  Super cool.

Now, it is “thyme for seitan”.  Get it?  Funny, kind of.  Last night I made a stew full of veggies and you guessed it, seitan and thyme.  It was so very tasty.  Here is the recipe.  It makes a lot and freezes well.

Thyme for Seitan Stew

olive oil
1 pound small cremini mushrooms, chopped
1 onion, chopped
3 garlic cloves, minced
2 pkgs seitan, cut into bite-size pieces
1tsp salt
1 cup red wine
1 tablespoon chopped fresh thyme
8c veggie broth
1 bay leaf
2 cups cubed peeled white potato (about 1 pound)
1 1/2 cups sliced carrots
1/2 teaspoon freshly ground black pepper
Fresh thyme sprigs (for garnish)

In a skillet, saute the garlic and onion until soft. Transfer to a stock pot. Saute the mushrooms in the skillet for 5 minutes. Transfer to the stockpot. Now saute the seitan in the skillet in olive oil until brown on both sides. Place in stock pot. Add the veggie broth. Bring to a boil. Once boiling turn down to a simmer, add red wine, salt, pepper, bay leaf, veggies and thyme. Simmer for 30 minutes, covered. Stirring occasionally. After 30 minutes check to see if veggies are tender. Let sit for another 20 minutes. Remove bay leaf. Ladle into bowls. Garnish with fresh thyme.







This month will also be a food and travel month for us.  We are heading to New Mexico in 2 weeks.  Yippee!  I will be bringing all of our own food as well as cooking while there.  We are staying in a hotel room with a small kitchen.  There is not a lot of vegan-friendly restaurants in New Mexico.  At least not where we are going.    And bringing your own food saves on $$$.

Well I am off to create a white bean chili recipe per Josh’s request.  Hope you have a lovely day.

Happy Vegan Mofo!

peas and love….

Krys and the boys


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12 thoughts on “Time for Mofo, thyme for seitan..

  1. Wholly Crap! That looks so much like meat it is freaking me out! Is this really a vegan blog? 😉

  2. YAY Krys!
    That Stew looks amazing – it’s nearing Stew time for me and this recipe looks so good I will definitely try it out. Have an awesome time in Mexico – all that yummy Mexican food HURRAH!
    Love the photo of the boys.

  3. The stew looks delicious, I’ll definitely be giving this one a try. Thanks for the sharing and inspiration!

    Happy VeganMoFo!

  4. That stew looks amazing! I just love seitan with all my heart! Happy Mofo-in!

  5. Happy Vegan Mofo to you to! That stew looks awesome – shame I live with a bunch of seitan-haters! :o(

  6. Adorable boys! Happy MoFo to you and your family.

  7. This is a great idea!

  8. Pingback: VeganMoFo Roundup for Thursday 10/01 « Vegan MoFo Headquarters International

  9. Awesome stew! I love your MoFo theme! I’m not participating this year due to extreme laziness and lack of inspiration. Happy MoFoing to you!

  10. Such a wonderful thing you’re doing! Happy MoFo to you and your family! Thanks for the recipe of your great-looking stew, I’ll give it a try very soon.

    I really enjoy reading your blog and can’t wait to come back again soon. Thank you for your comment on my blog:)
    p.s. Your boys are so adorable, thanks for sharing the great pics:)

  11. YAY for MOFO! And yay for that soup, it looks ridiculously good!

  12. lazysmurf on said:

    that is a pretty intense challenge! No cookbooks? I couldn’t go a whole month without perusing 🙂

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